Helping Kids Create a Positive Social Media Profile

As parents we spend lots of time worrying about keeping our children away from the bad stuff on the Internet and warning them about dangers of posting private pictures and information online. Of course, we all want to protect our kids from inappropriate material and to keep them safe but the reality is that we are all in this together and talking about our digital footprint or personality is an important conversation to have.

A recent article published by Common Sense Media reminded us that we can help our Tweens create a positive social media profile that can do much more for them than just connecting with their friends. Establishing a proper digital identity can actually help the younger digital users achieve their academic and professional goals.

What got our attention in this interesting article is the challenge to teachers - a challenge that echoes our mission at Kudos so directly: What could your students do to use social media as a driving force for good?

In the article, Stephanie Trautman, a classroom teacher from Detroit Michigan,reminds us that social media can be an effective way to “promote people for the good that they do.”

Students can use a LinkedIn profile to highlight their community service activities or to mention their awards and scholastic achievements. They can use Twitter to share information about a good article or to call attention to someone’s accomplishments or to highlight something inspirational.

As a team focused on teaching positive social media behaviors to our children, we felt that this article serves as a great reminder for how we talk to our kids of all ages on how they can use social media for good and how their own reputation of tomorrow may count on their chosen behaviors today. It is never too early to talk about the ways in which our youth conduct themselves online.

At Kudos, we are dedicated to building an environment that rewards and inspires positive interactions. A goal that we believe will trickle into other communications both online and offline and will help foster the digital citizens of tomorrow.

Read the full article here:
