Here are 10 Winter Activities to Enjoy and Share on Kudos


Baby It’s Cold Outside… It is that time of year when the cold fronts result in school closures and restless kids. As parents ourselves, we get it. Finding things to keep the kids busy which doesn’t include 100% screen time, is important. Here is a list of activities to consider for those cold winter days as well as suggested Kudos groups where kids can share their accomplishments.


  1. Build a fort – forts are easy and fun to make. If you have multiple kids, create a fort building challenge with a certain number of blankets and supplies. Share the fun outcome in the Winter Joy group.

  2. Do a good deed - offer to scoop the walk of a neighbor’s house – share in the Acts of Kindness Group.

  3. Make homemade cookies or banana bread – share in the Foodelicious group.

  4. Put together a vision board – ask the kids to find pictures that represent the things they would like to do, places they would like to visit, projects or things they would like to try – share in our Family Fun group.

  5. Dig out the board games and have a fun tournament. Challenge each other to Clue, Candyland or a good ol’ fashioned Checkers tournament - share in the Game Night group.

  6. Make paper snowflakes - download a pattern or create your own. Then hang your beautiful creations in the window. Share the fun outcome in the Winter Joy group.

  7. Go sledding - share different sleds with friends and see what sled goes the fastest or the furthest - share the fun outcome in the Winter Joy group.

  8. Capture photos of the signs of winter - go on a photo shoot and see how many things you can capture that represent winter. Capture trees, a snowflake, a hill covered in snow, the sky, people in coats, perhaps a pet in a sweater - the options are unlimited - share in the Focus Photo Club group.

  9. Create a page for a memory book or photo album - gather photos highlighting an event or favorite activity, add stickers and messages to personalize the photo album page or framed project - share in the Artist group.

  10. Create snow art -  begin by filling three clear squirt bottles almost full with tap water. Add 4-5 drops of primary food colors, one color per bottle, to create three bottles of red, blue and yellow colored water. Place the tops tightly on the bottles. Using your demonstration container, squirt each color into the snow. Share the fun outcome in the Winter Joy group.
